What: This volunteer trail work day is part of the Monumental Trails Program, a partnership between the Southern New Mexico Trail Alliance and Friends of Organ Mountains – Desert Peaks.
Volunteers will meet at the Picacho Peak trailhead and parking area (see directions below). This is located off of the dirt road at the end of the Picacho Hills community. We will work until about 12pm but anyone can show up or leave as they wish. Bring a lunch and more water and snacks if you would like to work longer. Trail work will consist of brushing and improving drainage. No experience is needed. Tools, water, and instruction will be provided. Please bring snacks, water bottle, and any other personal items you need to be comfortable and safe on the trails.
When: Mar. 31, 2018 8am-12pm
Where: Picacho Peak trails in the Organ Mountains – Desert Peaks National Monument
Directions: From Picacho Ave and Main St in Las Cruces, head west on Picacho Ave for 4.3 miles. Turn right onto Picacho Hills Drive and after 1 mile, keep left onto Barcelona Ridge Road. Turn right onto Anthem Road (there is a sign to the left for Picacho Mountain) then turn right onto Picacho Mountain Loop. The paved road ends, and the next mile of dirt road is poorly maintained but sometimes passable by passenger car. After 0.9 mile, turn to the right, cross a cattle guard and a BLM sign. About ½ mile further down is the parking area and trailhead, with a picnic area and a shelter.
Email Phil Simpson at philipbsimpson@comcast.net with any questions.